Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hey there! This is my blog post of the most liberal, laid-back city I have ever been to. Amsterdam was one of my favorite cities I went to on my trip because it had such a good vibe to it and the food was so good. I went to the Anne Frank House where she lived just before Nazi troops found her and her family. It was great to learn about the Frank family and every single one of them, just like countless other victims who endured so much during World War II, was inspiring and life-altering. Reading quotes from her diary made me realize how strong she was and how she was so mature for her age. She is someone every single one of us can learn from and I truly believe it is our duty to live our lives to the fullest because people like Anne Frank who had so many dreams and aspirations, had her life cut short. Suddenly a breakup, a fight between a friend, being stuck behind a slow driver are all minuscule problems when we consider Anne Frank, and too many others, had their lives taken from them before adulthood. Anyway, it's a transformative experience that everyone should have at some point in their life. I also went to the Van Gogh Museum which was an excellent experience to see so many famed paintings by one of the world's most renowned artists. I took a boat cruise down the canals (the city is made out of canals) and it was stunning. I recommend Amsterdam to anyone, it is so beautiful and it's fairly small so you can pretty much walk anywhere you need to go. It's easy to navigate and every single Dutch person I met has mastered English (I think they're better at it than I am!), and they're an intelligent group of people. Netherlands has their crap figured out, that's for sure!


Awesome saxophone quartet playing inside Rijksmuseum

Amsterdam: The City of Bikes

Art is therapy

Canal boat ride

Anne Frank Huis

Dutch Poffertjes

The famed bookshelf

Anne Frank's diary

Another picture of her diary

Necessary drink picture


My friend in Amsterdam

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