Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I love this city!

Well, I made it through another day, and with great success I might add! I had orientation this morning at a church near the American University of Rome and it was very informative. I think the whole point was to scare us out of drinking alcohol here, but other than that, it was nice to get a little more insight into the Italian culture from Italians who could speak English. You would be surprised how few people know English here, but I guess they wouldn't need to know it, so why learn it? I feel so sorry for the Italians that I've interacted with because they probably think I'm a stupid American. I'll catch on though, I promise I won't give us a bad reputation, America!

I woke up at 9 a.m. this morning (3 a.m. your time) and I didn't feel very good. I'm not sure if I'm still adjusting to the time here, but during orientation I felt like I was going to throw up. I came back to my apartment around 2 p.m. to take a nap and when I woke up I miraculously felt better. I got pizza for lunch and it was so tasty.  Around 5 p.m. I went to the supermarket where I bought groceries like proscuitto, feta cheese, Nutella, honey, pesto, bread, fresh fruit, and wine. After that, I got on a bus and went to Campo de' Fiori where I got to walk around some ruins and the city center. I stopped and got gelato from a food truck and walked to the Colosseum while eating it. I'm so in love with this city, everything about it! The weather is perfect, it smells like flowers everywhere, the architecture is unlike anything I've ever seen, and the food is perfecto. There are too many things to say, but I will stop typing now and let you enjoy the pictures I took today! Thank you for reading!

Fountain in Trastevere, Rome

Stracciatella gelato

Altare della Patria

Ancient ruins

The Colosseum

The Colosseum under construction

I just really liked how happy they looked getting wedding pictures

The inside of the Colosseum

The Colosseum

A random church

There are dogs EVERYWHERE in Rome

I love all the trees in Rome

All of the dogs are so friendly

The sun setting on the Colosseum

I liked this guy because he was playing music and he was friendly

This man was playing some Brubeck so I gave him a couple euros

Our neighbors' cat just hanging out in the hallway

The American University of Rome

The courtyard at the American University of Rome

Carbonated water is actually pretty good

Selfies at the Colosseum

Bought some Chardonnay at the supermarket

The pizza I ate for lunch was too good to handle

I demand the U.S. get some of this stuff

The neighborhood that my apartment is located in is called Monteverde

Last selfie at the Colosseum, I promise!


  1. Are you allowed to go inside the Coliseum, or is it closed off the public. The city looks amazing and I wish you look with all endeavors in the future there.
    P.S. That lemon Fanta looks like heaven in a can.

  2. Yeah, I can go inside the Colosseum but I went at 8 p.m. so it was closed. I might go back tomorrow so I can actually go inside! The city is amazing, easily the most beautiful I have seen. Thank you, it's very kind of you!

    P.S. The lemon Fanta WAS heaven in a can. It was like carbonated lemonade.
