Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My first day

Buongiorno from Italia! I landed safely at the Aeroporto di Fiumicino in Rome at 10 a.m. this morning (4 a.m. EST) feeling excited, nervous, and tired beyond words. The flight was 10 hours out of Chicago O'Hare International Airport and I managed to listen to several Beatles albums along the way. When we landed, the temperature was perfect outside and I could smell the Mediterranean Sea breeze as I waited for what seemed like two hours for the bus to take us from the plane to the terminal. As soon as I arrived at my apartment, I unpacked and slept for three hours with the window open and the sound of Italian being spoken by strangers on the street below. Even after taking a nap, I feel eternally exhausted. I met my roommates and I can already tell we are going to have so much fun getting to know each other! We went to a restaurant tonight and I got pasta (pictured below) - IT WAS SO DELICIOUS! We drank red wine with our food and it was perfect. I felt like a true Italian; laughing over dinner, enjoying food and company, walking the winding, hilly streets of the most beautiful city I have seen thus far. Well, considering I lost six hours of time and I've been awake for 36 hours, I will be cutting my post short tonight and going to bed. Buonanotte (goodnight) and grazie (thank you)!

South of France, Mediterranean Sea

Mountains on the island of Corsica

Italy, Mediterranean Sea

View from my apartment

Dinner with my roommates

Fettuccine al Ragù


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. could not have a better beginning , interessante !
