Monday, June 23, 2014


I'm back from Greece! I had a great weekend filled with lots of good food and cultural experiences. This blog is going to be exceptionally short today because I'm in the process of writing a 10-15 page paper on the Syria conflict and I wrote a 5-6 page paper on education in Germany and the United States last week. So to say the least, I am SICK of writing. This is my last week of classes and the amount of stress and homework I have is seemingly unreal. I have two very important final exams on Thursday to study for and then I'm free! I leave for London Sunday evening and I can't wait for the last leg of this journey. I apologize for the short blog, but I hope you can understand how sick of writing I am!

Message me or comment any questions you have. Have a great day!

View of the Acropolis from the roof of my hotel

The Acropolis lit up at night

This city is full of ruins

There are kittens everywhere!

The path up to the Acropolis

The Parthenon

The Parthenon was dedicated to the Athena

The Muses

A random church

I want that yacht

I have terrible tan lines on my feet

There are birds everywhere

National Archaeological Museum

Female statue, found in Delos, 650 B.C.

760 B.C.

Found in Sounion, 600 B.C.

Statue of kouros, found in Sounion, 600 B.C.

Bronze statue of Zeus, 460 B.C.

Wooden sarcophagus, 304 B.C.

Each of these contained a specific organ. From left to right: stomach, intestines, lungs, liver

Bronze male statue, 340 B.C.

Statue of Hermes, 360 B.C.

Skeleton of a young male adult, 460 B.C.

Evzones, they guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in from of the Parliament Building 24/7

Stray dogs everywhere

Greek bath house

Arch of Hadrian

Temple of Olympian Zeus

A random turtle hanging out on the ruins

I spotted him and started talking and he climbed down to me

Such a little cutie

This stray dog was super cute

National Garden, Athens

The National Garden reminded me a little of Michigan

Street lights

National Library of Greece

Street sales

This puppy I met at a pet store

Lots of nuts

This little kitty was so friendly

One of the cutest kittens I've ever met

Tiramisu at the airport


Chicken gyro with yogurt

I don't know what this is, but it was delicious. And coffee.

Appletini with dinner

Pasta with mushrooms, feta, and rosemary

Cocktails and the Acropolis

Greek yogurt in Greece


This was delicious

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