Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mediterranean Sea

Hello everyone! I just got back from visiting the beach and I'm so sunburnt. I put lots of sunscreen on and still managed to burn my entire back. I fell asleep on my stomach so that must be how it happened. I had lots of fun, but the water was so cold so I only got in once. It was interesting because wearing bikini tops was an option and I got to see lots of old woman boobs. Also, Italian swimsuits are like thongs, you can see everyone's entire butt. Men wear speedos and really short shorts. It's completely a completely different experience going to the beach in Italy than in the U.S., that's all I'll say about it! The sand is a dark brown, it sparkles, and it gets EVERYWHERE. But I had a great time and spent the majority of the day with my roommate, D.J. I guess that's all I have to say for today! Tomorrow there will be a parade because it's the Italian equivalent of the Fourth of July, so I'll hopefully make my way to it and take some pictures! As always, thanks for reading!

We took the train to the beach

The sand was so dark and hot

My roommate, D.J.

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